Jump to now
- 2023-12-27, 10:00:00 (00:30:00): Chaos Mentors Kick-Off!
- 2023-12-27, 10:00:00 (03:00:00): Welcome to the House of Tea! Make it Flow! <3 | House
- 2023-12-27, 10:00:00 (3 07:00:00): Software Defined Radio Capture The Signal (SDRCTS)
- 2023-12-27, 10:30:00 (00:30:00): 37C3: Feierliche Eröffnung | Saal 1
- 2023-12-27, 11:00:00 (00:30:00): Outdoors Workout: Let's sport together! v1.0.0.1
- 2023-12-27, 11:00:00 (00:40:00): Place & route on silicon | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-27, 11:00:00 (00:40:00): Scholz greift durch: Die AfD wird verboten - Deepfakes auch! | Saal 1
- 2023-12-27, 11:00:00 (02:00:00): Unlock Minecraft: Beginner Workshop - Tag 1 | Kidspace - Workshopraum in Saal B
- 2023-12-27, 11:00:00 (03:00:00): Jeanette Trèsbien | Chillout Lounge
- 2023-12-27, 11:40:00 (01:30:00): QR-Codes lesen ohne Computer | Stonewall IO
- 2023-12-27, 11:40:00 (02:00:00): QR-Codes ohne Computer lesen | Stage Y
- 2023-12-27, 11:45:00 (00:15:00): Sendezentrum Assembly Eröffnung | Sendezentrum Assembly
- 2023-12-27, 12:00:00 (00:40:00): Apple's iPhone 15: Under the C | Saal 1
- 2023-12-27, 12:00:00 (00:40:00): Open CPU / SoC design, all the way up to Debian | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-27, 12:00:00 (00:40:00): Unsere Worte sind unsere Waffen | Saal Granville
- 2023-12-27, 12:00:00 (00:50:00): Subversive Kommunikation im öffentlichen Raum (Kommunikationsguerilla) | Pseudoroom
- 2023-12-27, 12:00:00 (01:00:00): Greg Egan's „Orthogonal“: A universe without timelike dimensions | Saal E
- 2023-12-27, 12:00:00 (01:00:00): VRsport
- 2023-12-27, 12:30:00 (02:00:00): Build Your Own Satellite Ground Station
- 2023-12-27, 12:30:00 (02:00:00): Build Your Own Satellite Ground Station (1)
- 2023-12-27, 12:55:00 (00:40:00): Die Akte Xandr: Ein tiefer Blick in den Abgrund der Datenindustrie | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-27, 12:55:00 (00:40:00): Hacking the Climate | Saal 1
- 2023-12-27, 12:55:00 (00:40:00): Unlocking the Road Ahead: Automotive Digital Forensics | Saal Granville
- 2023-12-27, 13:00:00 (01:30:00): Build your own 37C3 Fahrplan app for Android | Saal E
- 2023-12-27, 13:00:00 (01:45:00): RIAN: Responsive to Individual Accessibility Needs | Fireshonks
- 2023-12-27, 13:00:00 (02:30:00): POTA – Parks on the Air [Day 1] | Chaoswelle
- 2023-12-27, 13:20:00 (02:00:00): Konsens und soziale Skripte | Stonewall IO
- 2023-12-27, 13:50:00 (00:40:00): "Was sind eigentlich Audio Interventionen?" - Von Sound Grafitti und Protest-Jingles | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-27, 13:50:00 (00:40:00): Back in the Driver's Seat: Recovering Critical Data from Tesla Autopilot Using Voltage Glitching | Saal Granville
- 2023-12-27, 13:50:00 (00:40:00): Please Identify Yourself! | Saal 1
- 2023-12-27, 13:50:00 (00:50:00): Foundation workshop: Hands-on, how does the Internet work? | Saal D
- 2023-12-27, 14:00:00 (00:30:00): CERTs and CSIRTs eating CVEs for lunch
- 2023-12-27, 14:00:00 (00:30:00): SCC Assembly Eröffnung | SCC-Assembly
- 2023-12-27, 14:00:00 (00:30:00): Self-Hosting - dein Lieblingstool für alle zugänglich
- 2023-12-27, 14:00:00 (01:30:00): Warum der Windows Kernel garnicht so scheiße ist | Stage Y
- 2023-12-27, 14:00:00 (02:00:00): Bau deine eigene LED-Lampe | Kidspace - Workshopraum in Saal B
- 2023-12-27, 14:00:00 (02:00:00): Kefir Making
- 2023-12-27, 14:00:00 (03:00:00): Hackin the Disco | Lounge
- 2023-12-27, 14:00:00 (03:00:00): Heiko Gogolin | Chillout Lounge
- 2023-12-27, 14:15:00 (00:40:00): Spleiß-Workshop Tag 1 | CTBK-Workshoparea
- 2023-12-27, 14:30:00 (00:30:00): Japanese meetup 日本語で話そう☆
- 2023-12-27, 14:30:00 (01:30:00): Let's play Netrunner, the card game (day 1)
- 2023-12-27, 14:45:00 (01:00:00): Operation Triangulation: What You Get When Attack iPhones of Researchers | Saal 1
- 2023-12-27, 14:45:00 (01:00:00): Toniebox Reverse Engineering | Saal Granville
- 2023-12-27, 14:45:00 (01:00:00): Was Digitale Gewalt mit Restaurantkritik zu tun hat | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-27, 14:45:00 (01:00:00): cyber4EDU (Zu-)Hörstunde - Fokus Grundschule | cyber4EDU Assembly
- 2023-12-27, 15:00:00 (00:30:00): indoor Fuchsjagd
- 2023-12-27, 15:00:00 (00:40:00): Tabellenkalkulation mit COBOL | Fireshonks
- 2023-12-27, 15:00:00 (00:45:00): Polychat | Stage H
- 2023-12-27, 15:00:00 (00:45:00): REUSE - Der Goldstandard für die Vermittlung von Lizenz- und Urheberrechtsinformationen
- 2023-12-27, 15:00:00 (01:00:00): OPC UA Selbsthilfegruppe
- 2023-12-27, 15:00:00 (01:00:00): REUSE Workshop | Bits & Bäume Workshop Space
- 2023-12-27, 15:00:00 (01:30:00): Learn Bad USB Hacking with the USB Nugget
- 2023-12-27, 15:00:00 (01:30:00): Let's hack together: My first kernel module in Rust! | Saal E
- 2023-12-27, 15:00:00 (02:00:00): KinkyGeeks Beginner bondage workshop 1 (Ticket required!) | Saal D
- 2023-12-27, 15:00:00 (02:00:00): Mastering Specter DIY Bitcoin Hardware wallet. | Round Table [CDC Saal 3]
- 2023-12-27, 15:14:00 (00:45:00): in science we trust, in unicorns we believe
- 2023-12-27, 15:30:00 (01:00:00): Trans Austauschrunde | Stonewall IO
- 2023-12-27, 16:00:00 (01:00:00): Adventures in Reverse Engineering Broadcom NIC Firmware | Saal Granville
- 2023-12-27, 16:00:00 (01:00:00): Chat Control: Mass Screenings, Massive Dangers | Fireshonks
- 2023-12-27, 16:00:00 (01:00:00): DearMEP: EU Lobbying FOSS Tool | Bits & Bäume Workshop Space
- 2023-12-27, 16:00:00 (01:00:00): KIM: Kaos In der Medizinischen Telematikinfrastruktur (TI) | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-27, 16:00:00 (01:00:00): NixOS wiki planning
- 2023-12-27, 16:00:00 (01:00:00): Wondrous mathematics: Three bizarre logico-philosophical tales about the axiom of choice | Stage Y
- 2023-12-27, 16:00:00 (01:00:00): YOU’VE JUST BEEN FUCKED BY PSYOPS | Saal 1
- 2023-12-27, 16:00:00 (01:00:00): circus meetup
- 2023-12-27, 16:00:00 (01:30:00): Capture the Flag - Campprojekt
- 2023-12-27, 16:00:00 (02:00:00): Geschichten erzählen - The Storytellers Den (LARP) - Tag 1 | Kidspace - Workshopraum in Saal B
- 2023-12-27, 16:00:00 (02:00:00): How do you organize/improve your work in an IT operations team?
- 2023-12-27, 16:00:00 (02:00:00): Tattoo Needle Soldering
- 2023-12-27, 16:00:00 (02:00:00): siebdruck
- 2023-12-27, 16:30:00 (00:30:00): CDC: Introduction to Critical Decentralization | Saal E
- 2023-12-27, 16:30:00 (00:30:00): Deutschlandfunk live: Forschung Aktuell . | Sendezentrum Stage (Saal F)
- 2023-12-27, 16:30:00 (02:00:00): Getting started with Pocket Science Lab
- 2023-12-27, 16:40:00 (01:30:00): Merch und Lieblingskleidung flicken | Stricken für Anfänger*innen || 2 Workshops parallel | Stonewall IO
- 2023-12-27, 17:00:00 (00:30:00): Deutschlandfunk live: Wirtschaft und Gellschaft | Sendezentrum Stage (Saal F)
- 2023-12-27, 17:00:00 (01:00:00): Digital in der Landwirtschaft | Stage H
- 2023-12-27, 17:00:00 (01:00:00): GNU Guix, an introduction
- 2023-12-27, 17:00:00 (01:00:00): Matrix Helpdesk (Day 1)
- 2023-12-27, 17:00:00 (01:00:00): Meet the Funders: Sovereign Tech Fund, NLNet, Prototype Fund | Saal D
- 2023-12-27, 17:00:00 (01:00:00): Mobile phone privacy with silent.link (Workshop) | Round Table [CDC Saal 3]
- 2023-12-27, 17:00:00 (01:00:00): Nothing´s ever easy: Katastrophenhilfe zwischen Theorie und Praxis | Bits & Bäume Workshop Space
- 2023-12-27, 17:00:00 (01:00:00): how to sleep and dream well: testings of tinctures and collective napping
- 2023-12-27, 17:00:00 (01:30:00): Make your IoT LED Hexleaf with WLED
- 2023-12-27, 17:00:00 (02:00:00): Hye-Eun Kim | Chillout Lounge
- 2023-12-27, 17:00:00 (02:00:00): Jazzclub 37c3 - hex328 | Lounge
- 2023-12-27, 17:15:00 (01:00:00): All cops are broadcasting | Saal 1
- 2023-12-27, 17:15:00 (01:00:00): How to Hack Your Way to Space | Saal Granville
- 2023-12-27, 17:15:00 (01:00:00): Opencoil | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-27, 17:30:00 (00:20:00): Amateurfunk - Kommunikation ohne Grenzen und Provider | Chaoswelle
- 2023-12-27, 17:30:00 (00:30:00): Social Rejection Games [90 min duration, 30 min of it at Stage of Y] | Stage Y
- 2023-12-27, 17:30:00 (00:40:00): aaaaaaaaaaa! - Mein regulärer Ausdruck ist böse | Fireshonks
- 2023-12-27, 17:30:00 (00:45:00): Deutschlandfunk: Offener Studiotalk Computer und Kommunikation . | Sendezentrum Stage (Saal F)
- 2023-12-27, 17:30:00 (02:00:00): Gelli Printing
- 2023-12-27, 18:00:00 (01:00:00): Bits & Bäume Community Treffen Tag 1 | Bits & Bäume Community Space
- 2023-12-27, 18:00:00 (01:00:00): Conversation Practice: Hypothetical Life Scenarios | Stage Y
- 2023-12-27, 18:00:00 (01:00:00): chatmail: self-hosting email servers, optimized for chatting with Delta Chat | Stage H
- 2023-12-27, 18:00:00 (01:00:00): p4p meetup | Saal D
- 2023-12-27, 18:00:00 (04:00:00): ambient Set: elisa wagener
- 2023-12-27, 18:15:00 (00:45:00): 📑 Lesezeichen zum Scrapen, Pimpen und Hosten von Webseiten 🌐 | Saal E
- 2023-12-27, 18:15:00 (01:40:00): Tischspielrunde - Bring your own game | Pseudoroom
- 2023-12-27, 18:20:00 (01:00:00): "This is more of a comment than a question" 🙃 | Stonewall IO
- 2023-12-27, 18:30:00 (00:10:00): Matrix Community Meet & Greet (+ Group Photo!)
- 2023-12-27, 18:30:00 (00:30:00): GuteN8Geschichten - Tag 1 | Kidspace - Workshopraum in Saal B
- 2023-12-27, 18:30:00 (02:00:00): Cider Flows
- 2023-12-27, 18:30:00 (02:15:00): Gemeinsam gegen Cybermobbing | Fireshonks
- 2023-12-27, 19:00:00 (00:30:00): I Love Free Software: Free Software sing-along
- 2023-12-27, 19:00:00 (00:45:00): The Diner Podcast live: Frauen in der Technik | Sendezentrum Stage (Saal F)
- 2023-12-27, 19:00:00 (01:00:00): Erfahrungsaustausch: IT-Sicherheitstrainings für Aktivist*innen | Stage Y
- 2023-12-27, 19:00:00 (01:00:00): Hack Meetup: LED Badges and Holographic LED Fans
- 2023-12-27, 19:00:00 (01:00:00): I pack my ICT-bag for Gaza and I take with me… | Bits & Bäume Workshop Space
- 2023-12-27, 19:00:00 (01:00:00): Junghacker:innen-Tag: Lötengel-Einführung | Saal D
- 2023-12-27, 19:00:00 (01:00:00): Live-Performance eines DIY-Instruments: Die Laserharfe | Lounge
- 2023-12-27, 19:00:00 (01:00:00): Rationality / Lesswrong / ACX Group Meetup | Stage H
- 2023-12-27, 19:00:00 (01:00:00): hackerspaces.org (HSO) Yearly Meetup | Saal E
- 2023-12-27, 19:00:00 (02:00:00): OpenStreetMap for beginners
- 2023-12-27, 19:00:00 (03:00:00): Amateur Radio License Exam (for a US license)
- 2023-12-27, 19:00:00 (03:00:00): fiona & martin | Chillout Lounge
- 2023-12-27, 19:15:00 (00:40:00): Der Fall Julian Assange: um was es jetzt geht | Saal 1
- 2023-12-27, 19:15:00 (00:40:00): Handsfree assistive technology | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-27, 19:15:00 (00:40:00): Unlocked! Recovering files taken hostage by ransomware | Saal Granville
- 2023-12-27, 19:30:00 (01:30:00): Offene Workshop-Sessions Tag 1 | Open workshop sessions day 1 | Stonewall IO
- 2023-12-27, 19:30:00 (03:30:00): STROMBLÜTE @ 37C3 Tag 1
- 2023-12-27, 20:00:00 (00:45:00): Dicke Bretter: Die Congress Edition | Sendezentrum Stage (Saal F)
- 2023-12-27, 20:00:00 (00:45:00): No Politics - After Dark | Sendezentrum Podcast Table (X12)
- 2023-12-27, 20:00:00 (01:00:00): Freifunk Stuttgart Meetup | Bits & Bäume Workshop Space
- 2023-12-27, 20:00:00 (01:00:00): Reading session
- 2023-12-27, 20:00:00 (02:00:00): KinkyGeeks Flogger-Bastelworkshop 1 (Ticket required!)
- 2023-12-27, 20:00:00 (02:00:00): Naroma | Lounge
- 2023-12-27, 20:00:00 (02:00:00): Tea Degustation: Enjoy a cup of tea and chat with the FOSSASIA community | Round Table [CDC Saal 3]
- 2023-12-27, 20:00:00 (02:00:00): WTF Genossenschaft Meetup | Saal D
- 2023-12-27, 20:00:00 (06:00:00): kleines feines Saunadorf
- 2023-12-27, 20:15:00 (00:40:00): Bifröst: Apple's Rainbow Bridge for Satellite Communication | Saal Granville
- 2023-12-27, 20:15:00 (00:40:00): Klimafreundliche Digitalisierung: Koalitionsvertrag vs. Wirklichkeit | Saal 1
- 2023-12-27, 20:15:00 (00:40:00): The Unfolding Space Glove | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-27, 20:15:00 (01:30:00): Elektronische Patientenakte - Opt-Out - wie soll das gehen? | Saal E
- 2023-12-27, 21:00:00 (00:45:00): Who Killed The Internet? And a promising alternative for Public Communication and Social Media: the Fediverse! | Sendezentrum Stage (Saal F)
- 2023-12-27, 21:00:00 (01:00:00): Getting started with Pocket Science Lab (Alex Bessman, Marco A. Gutierrez)
- 2023-12-27, 21:00:00 (01:00:00): Middlewear and Browser Extensions Meetup | Stage H
- 2023-12-27, 21:00:00 (01:00:00): The Unsung Heroes of Imaging | Fireshonks
- 2023-12-27, 21:00:00 (01:00:00): Trainingssession noHackerjeopardy (closed session) | Stage Y
- 2023-12-27, 21:00:00 (01:30:00): Click! Clack! Hack! | Sendezentrum Podcast Table (X12)
- 2023-12-27, 21:00:00 (02:00:00): Gemeinsame Aufarbeitung und Diskussion zum aktuellen Stand des Selbstbestimmungsgesetzes | Stonewall IO
- 2023-12-27, 21:00:00 (02:00:00): Meetup: Free and open-source software/hardware for civil search and rescue
- 2023-12-27, 21:00:00 (02:00:00): ambient Set: b.l.a.e.
- 2023-12-27, 21:10:00 (00:40:00): Euclid – das neue Weltraumteleskop | Saal Granville
- 2023-12-27, 21:10:00 (00:40:00): Lass mal das Innere eines Neuronalen Netzes ansehen! | Saal 1
- 2023-12-27, 21:10:00 (00:40:00): Music on Mars? A Musical Adventure for Astronauts and the Space Cadets Who Love Them. | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-27, 21:30:00 (00:30:00): Amateurfunk als Hilfe in Not- und Katastrophenfällen | Chaoswelle
- 2023-12-27, 21:30:00 (02:00:00): SCREAMO - SynthDistortionUnit
- 2023-12-27, 21:30:00 (02:00:00): Selfmade Synthesizer Soldering Session with Noisio (1)
- 2023-12-27, 22:00:00 (00:45:00): Offene Hör Muscheln (OHM #019) | Sendezentrum Stage (Saal F)
- 2023-12-27, 22:00:00 (00:50:00): Wondrous mathematics: How does artificial intelligence accomplish the feat of learning? | Saal D
- 2023-12-27, 22:00:00 (01:00:00): Cosmic Connectivity - Starlink, Satellite Swarms and the Hackers' Final Frontier | Saal E
- 2023-12-27, 22:00:00 (01:00:00): 👻Shadow libraries
- 2023-12-27, 22:00:00 (02:00:00): Lena Brumby & HKS97 | Lounge
- 2023-12-27, 22:00:00 (02:00:00): Revive RJ 45
- 2023-12-27, 22:00:00 (02:00:00): secret act | Chillout Lounge
- 2023-12-27, 22:05:00 (00:40:00): Ist die Demokratie noch zu retten? | Saal 1
- 2023-12-27, 22:05:00 (00:40:00): SMTP Smuggling – Spoofing E-Mails Worldwide | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-27, 22:05:00 (00:40:00): The Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) | Saal Granville
- 2023-12-27, 22:30:00 (01:45:00): Wie funktionieren Zug-Fahrkarten ins Ausland? | Fireshonks
- 2023-12-27, 23:00:00 (00:40:00): Energy Consumption of Datacenters | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-27, 23:00:00 (00:45:00): Schiffsromantik | Sendezentrum Podcast Table (X12)
- 2023-12-27, 23:00:00 (00:50:00): Wondrous mathematics: A gentle introduction to P vs. NP, the greatest open question in computer science | Saal D
- 2023-12-27, 23:00:00 (01:00:00): Breaking "DRM" in Polish trains | Saal 1
- 2023-12-27, 23:00:00 (01:00:00): Sucking dust and cutting grass: reversing robots and bypassing security | Saal Granville
- 2023-12-27, 23:00:00 (01:30:00): Vom Kinderkanzler Kurz zum Volkskanzler Kickl - Politik in Österreich | Sendezentrum Stage (Saal F)
- 2023-12-27, 23:15:00 (05:00:00): Pen&Paper-Runde - Das Schwarze Auge (Einsteiger*innen-freundlich)
- 2023-12-28, 00:00:00 (02:00:00): Celestial | Lounge
- 2023-12-28, 00:00:00 (02:00:00): Martha van Straaten | Chillout Lounge
- 2023-12-28, 00:05:00 (01:30:00): LinuxBoot, u-root + cpu hands-on workshop | Saal D
- 2023-12-28, 00:15:00 (01:00:00): A tale of sinister thought experiments about simulated consciousness (feat. Greg Egan's Dust Theory) | Pseudoroom
- 2023-12-28, 00:15:00 (02:00:00): Kein(!) Hacker Jeopardy | Saal 1
- 2023-12-28, 00:30:00 (00:45:00): Och Menno - Neue K(r)ampfhubschrauber für die Bundeswehr | Sendezentrum Stage (Saal F)
- 2023-12-28, 02:00:00 (02:00:00): Maayan Nidam | Lounge
- 2023-12-28, 02:00:00 (03:00:00): Pio | Chillout Lounge
- 2023-12-28, 04:00:00 (02:00:00): Loui Beton | Lounge
- 2023-12-28, 05:00:00 (03:00:00): Wando Waiato | Chillout Lounge
- 2023-12-28, 09:00:00 (01:00:00): GNUnet e.V. annual meeting
- 2023-12-28, 10:00:00 (00:30:00): Introduction to Replicant | Critical Decentralisation Cluster [Saal D]
- 2023-12-28, 10:00:00 (01:00:00): The Origin of Most Problems | Saal E
- 2023-12-28, 10:00:00 (01:30:00): Deutschlandfunk live: MARKTPLATZ - Mein digitaler Sekretär KI: Künstliche Intelligenz für den Hausgebrauch | Sendezentrum Stage (Saal F)
- 2023-12-28, 10:00:00 (04:00:00): Meet the CDC Critical Decentralization Cluster (Public Event) | Saal D
- 2023-12-28, 10:30:00 (01:30:00): Can you imagine a world beyond capitalism? Exploring economic history with David Graeber's Debt | Stage Y
- 2023-12-28, 10:30:00 (01:30:00): Cat-Shaped Wi-Fi Defender: Hands-On Hacker Hunting with Microcontrollers
- 2023-12-28, 10:30:00 (03:30:00): Angebote zum Junghacker:innentag rund um Mathematik (Erwachsene auch willkommen) | Pseudoroom
- 2023-12-28, 10:45:00 (00:30:00): Buying and Selling Domain Names in Namecoin (recording) | Critical Decentralisation Cluster [Saal D]
- 2023-12-28, 11:00:00 (00:30:00): Outdoors Workout: Let's sport together! v2.0
- 2023-12-28, 11:00:00 (00:40:00): Hacking Neural Networks | Saal 1
- 2023-12-28, 11:00:00 (00:40:00): Infrastructure of a migratory bird | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-28, 11:00:00 (00:40:00): Von Zebrastreifen, offenen Daten und verschlossenen Verwaltungen | Saal Granville
- 2023-12-28, 11:00:00 (00:45:00): Museumsbahnen brauchen Nerds! | Fireshonks
- 2023-12-28, 11:00:00 (01:00:00): Ada & Zangemann - Ein Märchen über Software, Skateboards und Himbeereis | Bits & Bäume Workshop Space
- 2023-12-28, 11:00:00 (01:00:00): Selbsthilfegruppe für verwaltungsnahe Menschen mit IT-Background ("Faxgeräteclub") | Saal E
- 2023-12-28, 11:00:00 (01:30:00): Handys/Smartphones - eine Austauschrunde über Kritik und Alternativen | Stage H
- 2023-12-28, 11:00:00 (01:30:00): JHT: Podcasting für Einsteiger:innen 1 | Sendezentrum Podcast Table (X12)
- 2023-12-28, 11:00:00 (02:00:00): Glitching C3 - Creative Writing Experiment | Stonewall IO
- 2023-12-28, 11:00:00 (02:00:00): JHT Mystery Bill Soldering Workshop (1)
- 2023-12-28, 11:00:00 (02:00:00): Minecraft How2Server | Kidspace - Workshopraum in Saal B
- 2023-12-28, 11:00:00 (03:00:00): Fleak | Chillout Lounge
- 2023-12-28, 11:30:00 (00:20:00): Änderungen in der Amateurfunk-Verordnung | Chaoswelle
- 2023-12-28, 11:30:00 (00:40:00): Spleiß-Workshop Tag 2 | CTBK-Workshoparea
- 2023-12-28, 12:00:00 (00:15:00): Radarini: visibility for mutual aid initiatives
- 2023-12-28, 12:00:00 (00:40:00): A year of surveillance in France: a short satirical tale by La Quadrature du Net | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-28, 12:00:00 (00:40:00): Software Licensing For A Circular Economy | Saal Granville
- 2023-12-28, 12:00:00 (00:40:00): Why Railway Is Safe But Not Secure | Saal 1
- 2023-12-28, 12:00:00 (01:30:00): (Looking at) Functional Programming in Assembly | Stage Y
- 2023-12-28, 12:00:00 (01:30:00): Making Smart Home devices | Round Table [CDC Saal 3]
- 2023-12-28, 12:00:00 (06:00:00): Killyourphone Workshop (day 2)
- 2023-12-28, 12:15:00 (00:45:00): Lets Try to understand RCS (Rich Communication Service)
- 2023-12-28, 12:30:00 (01:00:00): Human learning with Anki | Stage H
- 2023-12-28, 12:30:00 (01:15:00): Das (gute) digitale Leben - eine Zukunftsreise | Bits & Bäume Workshop Space
- 2023-12-28, 12:30:00 (01:30:00): Anarchistische Transformationsstrategien | Fireshonks
- 2023-12-28, 12:30:00 (01:30:00): Solder your own Cat-Themed Wi-Fi hacking tool
- 2023-12-28, 12:55:00 (00:40:00): Das Recht auf Selbstverteidigung im modernen Völkerrecht | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-28, 12:55:00 (00:40:00): Predator Files: How European spyware threatens civil society around the world | Saal 1
- 2023-12-28, 12:55:00 (00:40:00): The impact of quantum computers in cybersecurity | Saal Granville
- 2023-12-28, 13:00:00 (00:30:00): Buying and Selling Domain Names in Namecoin | Critical Decentralisation Cluster [Saal D]
- 2023-12-28, 13:00:00 (00:45:00): Nudeln hacken
- 2023-12-28, 13:00:00 (01:30:00): Demokratische Schule - wahrs. Deutschlands radikalste Schule | Saal E
- 2023-12-28, 13:00:00 (01:30:00): JHT: Podcasting für Einsteiger:innen 2 | Sendezentrum Podcast Table (X12)
- 2023-12-28, 13:00:00 (02:30:00): POTA – Parks on the Air [Day 2] | Chaoswelle
- 2023-12-28, 13:05:00 (01:30:00): Datenbankgrundlagen für Anfänger*innen | Stonewall IO
- 2023-12-28, 13:30:00 (01:00:00): Anki meet-up, let's help each other and exchange tips | Stage H
- 2023-12-28, 13:30:00 (01:30:00): Workshop für Hobby Schriftsteller - Schriftstellerei und Softwareentwicklung sind garnicht so verschieden | Stage Y
- 2023-12-28, 13:50:00 (00:40:00): Fuzz Everything, Everywhere, All at Once | Saal 1
- 2023-12-28, 13:50:00 (00:40:00): Hurra, diese Welt geht unter!? | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-28, 13:50:00 (00:40:00): Tractors, Rockets and the Internet in Belarus | Saal Granville
- 2023-12-28, 14:00:00 (00:01:00): Free Food Box: Put in, take out.
- 2023-12-28, 14:00:00 (00:30:00): How DIVD scans and notifies the whole IPv4 Space for vulnerabilities
- 2023-12-28, 14:00:00 (00:30:00): How DIVD scans and notify the whole IPv4 Space for vulnerabilities
- 2023-12-28, 14:00:00 (00:30:00): Klimagerechtigkeit erhacken | Pseudoroom
- 2023-12-28, 14:00:00 (00:30:00): Learning the Korean alphabet | Quasiroom
- 2023-12-28, 14:00:00 (00:37:00): Diabetes hackers' exchange meetup
- 2023-12-28, 14:00:00 (01:00:00): CYCLOPS Meetup | House
- 2023-12-28, 14:00:00 (01:00:00): Minetest - Tag 2 | Saal B - Hackcenter
- 2023-12-28, 14:00:00 (01:00:00): Namecoin Atomic Name Trading Workshop | FOSS-HW Workshop Area [CDC Saal 3]
- 2023-12-28, 14:00:00 (01:00:00): Open Hardware in der zirkulären Praxis: Learnings und Best Practices | Bits & Bäume Workshop Space
- 2023-12-28, 14:00:00 (01:00:00): Replicant struggle: past and present successes and failures | Round Table [CDC Saal 3]
- 2023-12-28, 14:00:00 (01:15:00): Fangenspiel im Pantomimehaus -- ein interaktives handlungslastiges Versteck- und Suchspiel aus dem Improvisationstheater. [en:] Tagging game in the mime house. | Foyer Level 2 (In front of the elevators left of Stage Y)
- 2023-12-28, 14:00:00 (01:30:00): Arbeitsklima in der IT | Saal D
- 2023-12-28, 14:00:00 (01:30:00): Informatik an deutschen Universitäten: Angeleitete Selbsthilfegruppe
- 2023-12-28, 14:00:00 (01:39:00): Workshop: Future and Presence of Matrix on Kubernetes
- 2023-12-28, 14:00:00 (02:00:00): Hackin the Disco Day 2 | Lounge
- 2023-12-28, 14:00:00 (02:00:00): JHT Mystery Bill Soldering Workshop (2)
- 2023-12-28, 14:00:00 (02:00:00): Kimchi Making
- 2023-12-28, 14:00:00 (02:00:00): Siebdruck für die ganze Familie | Kidspace - Workshopraum in Saal B
- 2023-12-28, 14:00:00 (02:00:00): Siebdruck mit Papierschablonen
- 2023-12-28, 14:00:00 (03:00:00): Blaumacherei - Indigo Dyeing (on day 2)
- 2023-12-28, 14:00:00 (03:00:00): F.Lutze | Chillout Lounge
- 2023-12-28, 14:30:00 (00:30:00): Bitcoin Wallet Seed Security | Stage H
- 2023-12-28, 14:30:00 (00:45:00): Nudeln hacken 🍝
- 2023-12-28, 14:30:00 (01:00:00): Unfolding Space Glove Testing Session
- 2023-12-28, 14:30:00 (01:30:00): Learn Beginner Soldering with the Meow Mixer Badge
- 2023-12-28, 14:30:00 (01:45:00): Die Schwurbulaner vom Planeten Schwurbolus | Fireshonks
- 2023-12-28, 14:40:00 (01:30:00): How to therapy | Stonewall IO
- 2023-12-28, 14:45:00 (01:00:00): AlphaFold – how machine learning changed structural biology forever (or not?) | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-28, 14:45:00 (01:00:00): Der sehende Stein der Polizeibehörden | Saal 1
- 2023-12-28, 14:45:00 (01:00:00): Nintendo hacking 2023: 2008 | Saal Granville
- 2023-12-28, 14:45:00 (01:00:00): Wondrous mathematics: The fantastical story how the wondrous world of infinity tamed the finite
- 2023-12-28, 14:45:00 (01:00:00): cyber4EDU (Zu-)Hörstunde - Fokus Oberschule | cyber4EDU Assembly
- 2023-12-28, 15:00:00 (00:30:00): Bällebad-Sortiermaschine // Let’s build a ball pit sorting machine (MeetUp)
- 2023-12-28, 15:00:00 (01:00:00): Bildungsarbeit der epicenter.academy mit OER und Workshops | Bits & Bäume Workshop Space
- 2023-12-28, 15:00:00 (01:00:00): InfraNodus: Reveal Non-Obvious and Find the Gaps with Networks and LLMs | Stage H
- 2023-12-28, 15:00:00 (01:00:00): Netzpolitisches Anno Domini spielen | Stage Y
- 2023-12-28, 15:00:00 (01:00:00): On the limits of decentralization | Round Table [CDC Saal 3]
- 2023-12-28, 15:00:00 (02:00:00): Art and Play: Livevektorskizzen | Art and Play Workshop table [H]
- 2023-12-28, 15:00:00 (02:00:00): Gelli Printing #2
- 2023-12-28, 15:30:00 (01:00:00): DIY HRT Meetup 🏳️⚧️🏴☠️ | Saal D
- 2023-12-28, 15:30:00 (01:30:00): Mastering Specter DIY Bitcoin Hardware wallet. (redoing the day1 workshop) | FOSS-HW Workshop Area [CDC Saal 3]
- 2023-12-28, 15:30:00 (02:00:00): Nerd spielen Spiele!
- 2023-12-28, 15:45:00 (02:30:00): ICM Fotografie Workshop
- 2023-12-28, 16:00:00 (00:50:00): privacy aware digital devices for non-techies | House
- 2023-12-28, 16:00:00 (00:55:00): CiviCRM als open source CRM (Erfahrungsaustausch) | Bits & Bäume Workshop Space
- 2023-12-28, 16:00:00 (01:00:00): Arch Linux user meetup | Stage Y
- 2023-12-28, 16:00:00 (01:00:00): Esperanto Schnupperkurs / Esperanto Lightning course | Stage H
- 2023-12-28, 16:00:00 (01:00:00): Hirne hacken: Hackback Edition | Saal 1
- 2023-12-28, 16:00:00 (01:00:00): Making a Wallet from Tetra Pack
- 2023-12-28, 16:00:00 (01:00:00): Weil „be excellent to each other” nicht reicht | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-28, 16:00:00 (01:30:00): CCTG / Corona-Warn-App / COVID apps Community Meetup
- 2023-12-28, 16:00:00 (01:30:00): Workshop: Self-hosted, Open Source Chatbots mit der Technologie von OpenAI: Erfahrungsbericht(e) | Round Table [CDC Saal 3]
- 2023-12-28, 16:00:00 (02:00:00): Elektrobaukasten - Tag 2 | Kidspace - Saal B
- 2023-12-28, 16:00:00 (02:00:00): Lightning Talks Day 2 | Saal Granville
- 2023-12-28, 16:00:00 (02:00:00): dj workshop vinyl | Lounge
- 2023-12-28, 16:15:00 (01:00:00): Klimagerechtigkeitsaktivismus: ein Blick hinter die Kulissen. Wie eine Gruppe Nerds einen Wald rettete und nur um Haaresbreite vier Wochen Gefängnis entkam | Pseudoroom
- 2023-12-28, 16:20:00 (01:30:00): Offene Workshop-Sessions Tag 2 | Open workshop sessions day 2 | Stonewall IO
- 2023-12-28, 16:30:00 (00:20:00): Arbeitgeber*innen hassen diesen Trick | Fireshonks
- 2023-12-28, 16:30:00 (01:00:00): "Arbeitgeber*innen hassen diesen Trick" - Was ist die FAU? | Freie Arbeiter*innen Union (FAU)
- 2023-12-28, 16:30:00 (01:00:00): Netzpolitik in der Schweiz Treffen
- 2023-12-28, 16:30:00 (02:00:00): How do you improve your teamwork and processes?
- 2023-12-28, 16:30:00 (03:30:00): Arduino For Total Newbies
- 2023-12-28, 17:00:00 (00:30:00): Let's play Joust together - on your Flow3r badge
- 2023-12-28, 17:00:00 (01:00:00): Greg Egan's „Dichronauts“: A universe with two timelike dimensions | Stage Y
- 2023-12-28, 17:00:00 (01:00:00): How Radiation Affects Us All and How you can Mesure it - DIY Geiger Counter | FOSS-HW Workshop Area [CDC Saal 3]
- 2023-12-28, 17:00:00 (01:00:00): Lego - Challenge: Baue eine Freiheitskämpferin oder einen Freiheitskämpfer | Bits & Bäume Workshop Space
- 2023-12-28, 17:00:00 (01:00:00): Matrix Helpdesk & Merch Sale (Day 2)
- 2023-12-28, 17:00:00 (01:00:00): Prototype Fund & Friends Meetup | Saal E
- 2023-12-28, 17:00:00 (02:00:00): Socratic Seminar: Bitcoin 2023 Year-in-Review | Stage H
- 2023-12-28, 17:00:00 (03:00:00): Mo Greens & Beh | Chillout Lounge
- 2023-12-28, 17:15:00 (00:40:00): Rust Binary Analysis, Feature by Feature | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-28, 17:15:00 (01:00:00): Synthetic Sentience | Saal 1
- 2023-12-28, 17:15:00 (02:00:00): #TeamDatenschutz-Meetup | House
- 2023-12-28, 17:30:00 (00:45:00): Wie kann eine Verwaltungsdigitalisierung in Deutschland und Europa nachhaltig und bevölkerungsfreundlich gestaltet werden? | Sendezentrum Podcast Table (X12)
- 2023-12-28, 17:30:00 (01:30:00): Workshop - Weil be excellent to eachother nicht reicht | Saal D
- 2023-12-28, 18:00:00 (00:45:00): Nextcloud Collectives - Use cases und Austausch
- 2023-12-28, 18:00:00 (00:50:00): Warum ist Skat so faszinierend? | Saal E
- 2023-12-28, 18:00:00 (01:00:00): #clubsAREculture | Lounge
- 2023-12-28, 18:00:00 (01:00:00): Artistic PCB Badge Drawing Workshop
- 2023-12-28, 18:00:00 (01:00:00): Bits & Bäume Community Treffen Tag 2 | Bits & Bäume Community Space
- 2023-12-28, 18:00:00 (01:00:00): Codeheat Introductory Workshop (Untari, Hong Phuc Dang) | FOSS-HW Workshop Area [CDC Saal 3]
- 2023-12-28, 18:00:00 (01:00:00): Frodo aus dem AuAland – Risk Analysis and Mitigation für eine humanitäre Intervention vor den Toren Mordors | Bits & Bäume Workshop Space
- 2023-12-28, 18:00:00 (01:00:00): Konstruktive Digitale Diskussionskultur (KDDK) | Fireshonks
- 2023-12-28, 18:00:00 (01:00:00): Qemu - Benutzung für Einsteiger
- 2023-12-28, 18:00:00 (01:00:00): Zaubern für Nerds
- 2023-12-28, 18:00:00 (01:00:00): Überwachungsspaziergang zum Hansaplatz
- 2023-12-28, 18:00:00 (01:30:00): EightOS: Embodied Hacking Practice [8 OS Physical Movement Session] | Stage Y
- 2023-12-28, 18:00:00 (01:30:00): Kommunikation und Interaktion mit Gehörlosen - ein paar Grundlagen | Stonewall IO
- 2023-12-28, 18:00:00 (02:00:00): Workshop: Organizing für Einsteiger*innen (am Arbeitsplatz) | Freie Arbeiter*innen Union (FAU)
- 2023-12-28, 18:00:00 (04:00:00): Art and Play: DIY photolab research | Art and Play Workshop table [H]
- 2023-12-28, 18:00:00 (04:00:00): Pen'n'Paper Einsteigerrunde in dem FATE System
- 2023-12-28, 18:00:00 (06:00:00): Cable Trash - 37c3 Congress-Edition
- 2023-12-28, 18:00:00 (1 00:00:00): 37c3 PotluckCTF
- 2023-12-28, 18:30:00 (00:30:00): Group Photo (take 2)
- 2023-12-28, 18:30:00 (00:30:00): GuteN8Geschichten - Tag 2 | Kidspace - Saal B
- 2023-12-28, 18:30:00 (00:30:00): SEX -- Seed EXchange (meetup only - NO EXCHANGE)
- 2023-12-28, 18:30:00 (00:45:00): Young Queer Gathering (aka. former Twink Meetup)
- 2023-12-28, 18:30:00 (01:00:00): Unfolding Space Glove Testing Session 2
- 2023-12-28, 18:30:00 (01:30:00): NFDI | RDM | RSE | EOSC | CARE and FAIR - WTF? Meet-UP
- 2023-12-28, 18:30:00 (01:30:00): Tattoo Needle Soldering II
- 2023-12-28, 18:30:00 (02:00:00): Traditional Cidre Season
- 2023-12-28, 18:30:00 (2 00:00:00): THC@37c3
- 2023-12-28, 18:45:00 (00:30:00): Flunkyball Day 2
- 2023-12-28, 19:00:00 (00:30:00): I Love Free Software: Free Software sing-along (Thursday)
- 2023-12-28, 19:00:00 (00:30:00): Triff die Digitalcourage-Ortsgruppen! | Stage H
- 2023-12-28, 19:00:00 (00:45:00): Fantas-Tisch | Sendezentrum Podcast Table (X12)
- 2023-12-28, 19:00:00 (00:45:00): NSU-Watch: Aufklären & Einmischen. Der Jahresrückblick 2023. | Sendezentrum Stage (Saal F)
- 2023-12-28, 19:00:00 (01:00:00): Building Tiny Programming Languages (Mohit Karekar)
- 2023-12-28, 19:00:00 (01:00:00): Das ZAM entsteht in Erlangen, oder: Hacker bauen um
- 2023-12-28, 19:00:00 (01:00:00): Don't Contribute Anything Relevant in Web Forums Like Reddit, HN, facebook, ... | Saal E
- 2023-12-28, 19:00:00 (01:00:00): Forum InformatikerInnen für Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung e. V. (FIfF) - Vernetzungstreffen | Bits & Bäume Workshop Space
- 2023-12-28, 19:00:00 (02:00:00): analouge pixelprint with lego dots
- 2023-12-28, 19:00:00 (02:00:00): resom | Lounge
- 2023-12-28, 19:00:00 (03:00:00): Siedler von Catan Spielen
- 2023-12-28, 19:00:00 (05:00:00): 1. Congress Skatturnier auf dem 37c3 | Saal D
- 2023-12-28, 19:15:00 (00:40:00): Image Making Fatigue | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-28, 19:15:00 (00:40:00): Rettet uns die KI? | Saal Granville
- 2023-12-28, 19:15:00 (00:40:00): Science Slam | Saal 1
- 2023-12-28, 19:30:00 (01:00:00): DN42 BoF and onboarding session | House
- 2023-12-28, 19:30:00 (01:00:00): Diskussion: Pur-Abos – Deine Grundrechte gegen Geld? | Stage H
- 2023-12-28, 19:30:00 (01:30:00): AD(H)S-Meetup (de) | Stage Y
- 2023-12-28, 19:30:00 (01:45:00): Russki SIGINT | Fireshonks
- 2023-12-28, 19:30:00 (03:30:00): STROMBLÜTE @ 37C3 Tag 2
- 2023-12-28, 19:30:00 (04:00:00): [Full] Rules Light PnP - let's play Cthulhu Dark
- 2023-12-28, 19:40:00 (01:30:00): Kickoff im realen Raum für Orga-Treffen Haecksen Konferenz 2025 | Stonewall IO
- 2023-12-28, 20:00:00 (01:00:00): Faye Lavaux | Chillout Lounge
- 2023-12-28, 20:00:00 (01:00:00): Pocket Science Lab Hands-on (Alex Bessman, Marco A. Gutierrez) | FOSS-HW Workshop Area [CDC Saal 3]
- 2023-12-28, 20:00:00 (01:30:00): Aufgeschlüsselt | Sendezentrum Podcast Table (X12)
- 2023-12-28, 20:00:00 (01:30:00): Weltenwanderer - Alles so bunt hier | Sendezentrum Stage (Saal F)
- 2023-12-28, 20:00:00 (02:00:00): Schreibsession: Schreib, was du willst!
- 2023-12-28, 20:00:00 (02:30:00): DDoS - Layer 7 attack and defense
- 2023-12-28, 20:00:00 (03:00:00): Rollenspiele | Kidspace - Workshopraum in Saal B
- 2023-12-28, 20:00:00 (06:00:00): Kleines Feines Saunadorf
- 2023-12-28, 20:00:00 (08:00:00): KinkyGeeks Playparty (findet statt, auch wenn durchgestrichen!)
- 2023-12-28, 20:15:00 (00:40:00): Demoscene now and then | Saal 1
- 2023-12-28, 20:15:00 (00:40:00): Lützerath Lebt! Einblicke in den Widerstand | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-28, 20:15:00 (00:40:00): Turning Chromebooks into regular laptops | Saal Granville
- 2023-12-28, 20:15:00 (01:45:00): European Health Data Space - A Cash Cow | Saal E
- 2023-12-28, 20:30:00 (00:30:00): oreboot introduction | Stage H
- 2023-12-28, 20:30:00 (02:00:00): FHB Cheese Rendevouz
- 2023-12-28, 20:30:00 (02:00:00): MIXA - 4 channel AudioMixer
- 2023-12-28, 20:30:00 (02:00:00): Selfmade Synthesizer Soldering Session with Noisio (2)
- 2023-12-28, 21:00:00 (00:40:00): Artificial Museum | Stage H
- 2023-12-28, 21:00:00 (00:40:00): Music Composition for Hackers | House
- 2023-12-28, 21:00:00 (02:00:00): Beer Tasting
- 2023-12-28, 21:00:00 (02:00:00): Luzie | Lounge
- 2023-12-28, 21:00:00 (02:00:00): Pastor Aufmann | Chillout Lounge
- 2023-12-28, 21:00:00 (06:00:00): BornHack Party
- 2023-12-28, 21:05:00 (01:30:00): Let's play Netrunner, the card game (day 2)
- 2023-12-28, 21:10:00 (00:40:00): A NEW HOPE [de] | Saal 1
- 2023-12-28, 21:10:00 (00:40:00): ARMore: Pushing Love Back Into Binaries | Saal Granville
- 2023-12-28, 21:10:00 (00:40:00): Das Diskmags-Projekt | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-28, 21:15:00 (00:30:00): Easter Eggs in Liu Cixin's „Three-Body“ Trilogy | Pseudoroom
- 2023-12-28, 21:15:00 (01:00:00): Lützerath lebt! Extended Q&A | Bits & Bäume Workshop Space
- 2023-12-28, 21:15:00 (01:30:00): Datenschutz-Sprechstunde mit der Aufsichtsbehörde | Stage Y
- 2023-12-28, 21:15:00 (03:00:00): FINTA-Karaoke | Stonewall IO
- 2023-12-28, 21:30:00 (00:30:00): Technik von Funkamateuren zur Unterstützung in Not- und Katastrophenfällen | Chaoswelle
- 2023-12-28, 21:45:00 (01:00:00): Pornography feels better without tech-giants! | Stage H
- 2023-12-28, 21:45:00 (01:30:00): Der Weisheit - Eine Stunde Lebenskunde - 10. Staffelfinale | Sendezentrum Stage (Saal F)
- 2023-12-28, 22:00:00 (00:45:00): damals(tm) Congressausgabe mit Hörern vor Ort | Sendezentrum Podcast Table (X12)
- 2023-12-28, 22:00:00 (01:45:00): Linux-Kommandozeile für Newbies | Fireshonks
- 2023-12-28, 22:00:00 (02:00:00): Non Viol3nt Communication Workshop | Saal E
- 2023-12-28, 22:05:00 (00:40:00): Decentralized energy production: green future or cybersecurity nightmare? | Saal 1
- 2023-12-28, 22:05:00 (00:40:00): KI – Macht – Ungleichheit. | Saal Granville
- 2023-12-28, 22:05:00 (00:40:00): VRA | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-28, 23:00:00 (00:40:00): What I Learned from Loab: AI as a creative adversary | Saal 1
- 2023-12-28, 23:00:00 (00:45:00): 🙈 🙉 🙊 Nerd Game Show 😸 😹 😻 | Stage H
- 2023-12-28, 23:00:00 (01:00:00): A tale of sinister thought experiments about extraterrestrial life (feat. Liu Cixin's Dark Forest) | Corridor outside Hall 3 near Openlab Augsburg
- 2023-12-28, 23:00:00 (01:00:00): BLUFFS: Bluetooth Forward and Future Secrecy Attacks and Defenses | Saal Granville
- 2023-12-28, 23:00:00 (01:00:00): Days of Delay | Chillout Lounge
- 2023-12-28, 23:00:00 (01:00:00): Meet the FOSSASIA community
- 2023-12-28, 23:00:00 (01:00:00): Mindsight - live | Lounge
- 2023-12-28, 23:00:00 (01:00:00): Tea Time: Enjoy a cup of tea and chat with the FOSSASIA community | Round Table [CDC Saal 3]
- 2023-12-28, 23:00:00 (01:00:00): Tor censorship attempts in Russia, Iran, Turkmenistan | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-28, 23:00:00 (01:30:00): LinuxLounge - #37C3 Special | Sendezentrum Podcast Table (X12)
- 2023-12-28, 23:00:00 (02:00:00): Movie/Filmvorführung: Von Menschen, die auf Bäume steigen / People who climb on trees | Stage Y
- 2023-12-28, 23:10:00 (00:50:00): Wondrous mathematics: Exploring hypercomputation with the effective topos | Quasiroom
- 2023-12-28, 23:30:00 (01:30:00): Gala Be Need Inn - Locke Dun Ausgabe | Sendezentrum Stage (Saal F)
- 2023-12-29, 00:00:00 (00:50:00): Die netzpolitische Neujahrsansprache | Saal 1
- 2023-12-29, 00:00:00 (00:50:00): Streaming: Die netzpolitische Neujahrsansprache | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-29, 00:00:00 (01:30:00): Schreibtreff - Zusammen Kurzgeschichten schreiben | Saal E
- 2023-12-29, 00:00:00 (01:30:00): What opportunities does TALER bring?
- 2023-12-29, 00:00:00 (02:00:00): Epikur | Lounge
- 2023-12-29, 00:00:00 (02:00:00): Synthesizer meet up | Saal D
- 2023-12-29, 00:00:00 (02:30:00): Loa Mauna (Dj) | Chillout Lounge
- 2023-12-29, 00:10:00 (00:40:00): Sonic Alchemy | Saal Granville
- 2023-12-29, 00:50:00 (01:30:00): Fnord-Jahresrückblick-Rückblick | Saal 1
- 2023-12-29, 00:50:00 (01:30:00): Streaming: Fnord-Jahresrückblick-Rückblick | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-29, 02:00:00 (02:00:00): Acidfinky | Lounge
- 2023-12-29, 02:00:00 (02:00:00): 🏀 Timberwolves:Mavericks | Stage H
- 2023-12-29, 02:30:00 (01:00:00): cwiejung (live) | Chillout Lounge
- 2023-12-29, 04:00:00 (01:00:00): Waldemar Frost (live) | Chillout Lounge
- 2023-12-29, 04:00:00 (02:00:00): steffen bennemann | Lounge
- 2023-12-29, 05:00:00 (03:00:00): Jill, Janis & Ben | Chillout Lounge
- 2023-12-29, 09:30:00 (01:30:00): Azubitag Intro | Saal E
- 2023-12-29, 09:45:00 (01:00:00): Hitchhiker's Towel-Yoga | Saal D
- 2023-12-29, 10:00:00 (00:45:00): A Primer on LLM Security | Stage Y
- 2023-12-29, 10:00:00 (03:00:00): Arduino für Anfänger:innen
- 2023-12-29, 10:00:00 (04:00:00): Art and Play: DIY photolab research #2 | Art and Play Workshop table [H]
- 2023-12-29, 10:30:00 (02:00:00): Hacking the HiP Badge
- 2023-12-29, 10:30:00 (02:00:00): Siebdruck mit Papierschablonen 2
- 2023-12-29, 10:45:00 (01:30:00): Offene Workshop-Sessions Tag 3 | Open workshop sessions day 3 | Stonewall IO
- 2023-12-29, 11:00:00 (00:30:00): Outdoors Workout: Let's sport together! v3.14.15.926
- 2023-12-29, 11:00:00 (00:40:00): NEW IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS | Saal 1
- 2023-12-29, 11:00:00 (01:00:00): Ethische Algorithmen in der Regierung? | Saal E
- 2023-12-29, 11:00:00 (01:00:00): Unlocking Hardware Security: Red Team, Blue Team, and Trojan Tales | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-29, 11:00:00 (01:00:00): Von der ePA zum EHDS: 7 Thesen zur aktuellen digitalen Gesundheitspolitik | Saal Granville
- 2023-12-29, 11:00:00 (01:30:00): Introduction to programming hardware with CircuitPython and the USB Nugget
- 2023-12-29, 11:00:00 (02:00:00): Elektrobaukasten - Tag 3 | Kidspace - Saal B
- 2023-12-29, 11:00:00 (02:00:00): Formalizing mathematics in the proof assistant Agda | Saal D
- 2023-12-29, 11:00:00 (03:00:00): Pony | Chillout Lounge
- 2023-12-29, 11:20:00 (01:40:00): Gesprächsrunde über kollektive Lebenskonzepte abseits der Kleinfamilie | Stage Y
- 2023-12-29, 11:30:00 (00:30:00): (Good) Usability: What is it and how can wie achieve it | Stage H
- 2023-12-29, 11:30:00 (00:40:00): Spleiß-Workshop Tag 3 | CTBK-Workshoparea
- 2023-12-29, 11:30:00 (02:00:00): Knitting/crocheting workshop (Strick- und Häkelworkshop)
- 2023-12-29, 12:00:00 (00:40:00): Fuzzing the TCP/IP stack | Saal 1
- 2023-12-29, 12:00:00 (00:45:00): Nudeln hacken 🍝 (für Congress Kinder 😉)
- 2023-12-29, 12:00:00 (01:00:00): Selforganized Sessioins with the tool Openki.net | Bits & Bäume Workshop Space
- 2023-12-29, 12:00:00 (01:30:00): ChaosZone Meetup
- 2023-12-29, 12:00:00 (02:00:00): 37C3 Lightning Talks Continued | Saal E
- 2023-12-29, 12:00:00 (02:00:00): testing CLI sending data over the NYM mixnet decentralised infrastructure | Round Table [CDC Saal 3]
- 2023-12-29, 12:15:00 (01:00:00): Digital Humanities Meetup
- 2023-12-29, 12:15:00 (01:00:00): Einführung in Smartphone Malware Forensik | Saal Granville
- 2023-12-29, 12:15:00 (01:00:00): Numerical Air Quality Modeling Systems | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-29, 12:20:00 (01:30:00): Haecksenfrühstück | Stonewall IO
- 2023-12-29, 12:55:00 (00:40:00): Darf's noch etwas visionärer sein? | Saal 1
- 2023-12-29, 13:00:00 (00:30:00): Arbeitgeber*innen hassen diesen Trick" - Was ist die FAU? | Freie Arbeiter*innen Union (FAU)
- 2023-12-29, 13:00:00 (01:00:00): Blahaj Meetup
- 2023-12-29, 13:00:00 (01:00:00): Lessons4Action: Zwischen Zynismus, Apokalypse und Lastenfahrrad | Bits & Bäume Workshop Space
- 2023-12-29, 13:00:00 (01:00:00): UX & Human-Centered Design People Networking! | House
- 2023-12-29, 13:00:00 (01:00:00): 🏴 Technologies for Disaster 🏴 | Saal D
- 2023-12-29, 13:00:00 (01:30:00): Bird Clock Opera/ w text from Days Of The Week | Fireshonks
- 2023-12-29, 13:00:00 (01:30:00): Homotopy type theory for programmers | Stage Y
- 2023-12-29, 13:00:00 (02:30:00): Digital Music Synthesis for Total Beginners with ArduTouch music synthesizer kit / Learn to Solder
- 2023-12-29, 13:00:00 (02:30:00): POTA – Parks on the Air [Day 3] | Chaoswelle
- 2023-12-29, 13:10:00 (00:50:00): Provokante Aktionen und ihre Bedeutung für politischen Protest | Pseudoroom
- 2023-12-29, 13:30:00 (00:45:00): IT-Security-Unternehmen ohne Chefs | Stage H
- 2023-12-29, 13:30:00 (01:00:00): Full AACSess: Exposing and exploiting AACSv2 UHD DRM for your viewing pleasure | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-29, 13:30:00 (01:00:00): Gläserne Geflüchtete | Saal Granville
- 2023-12-29, 13:50:00 (00:40:00): What is this? A machine learning model for ants? | Saal 1
- 2023-12-29, 13:55:00 (01:30:00): Philhaecksen Memorials | Stonewall IO
- 2023-12-29, 14:00:00 (00:30:00): Bällebad-Sortiermaschine // Let’s build a ball pit sorting machine (2nd MeetUp)
- 2023-12-29, 14:00:00 (00:30:00): DIY Kosmetik Hack: Cremes selber machen - Eine Einführung
- 2023-12-29, 14:00:00 (00:30:00): Disscussion on A Bit of Knowledge on Zero Knowledge
- 2023-12-29, 14:00:00 (00:30:00): How we scan and notify the whole IPv4 Space for vulnerabilities
- 2023-12-29, 14:00:00 (00:30:00): demonstrations.org - Liberate Data and Activate People | Saal E
- 2023-12-29, 14:00:00 (00:45:00): Using enclaves for trustable off-chain compute | Round Table [CDC Saal 3]
- 2023-12-29, 14:00:00 (00:50:00): Beginner's workshop for activist climbing (Basisworkshop aktivistisches Klettern) | Pseudoroom
- 2023-12-29, 14:00:00 (01:00:00): Android Open Source App Developer Meetup
- 2023-12-29, 14:00:00 (01:00:00): BGP-enabled hackerspaces meet-up
- 2023-12-29, 14:00:00 (01:00:00): FragDenStaat-Usertreffen
- 2023-12-29, 14:00:00 (01:00:00): Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte: Friends & Donor Meet up | Bits & Bäume Workshop Space
- 2023-12-29, 14:00:00 (01:00:00): Intro to Open Event Management and Tech Exchange (Marco A. Gutierrez, Mario Behling)
- 2023-12-29, 14:00:00 (01:00:00): Lobsters Meetup
- 2023-12-29, 14:00:00 (01:00:00): Minetest - Tag 3 | Saal B - Hackcenter
- 2023-12-29, 14:00:00 (02:00:00): Probiotic making & cooking
- 2023-12-29, 14:00:00 (02:00:00): Regiotreffen | Saal D
- 2023-12-29, 14:00:00 (02:00:00): Unlock Minecraft: Beginner Workshop – Tag 3 | Kidspace - Workshopraum in Saal B
- 2023-12-29, 14:00:00 (02:30:00): RVDS | Chillout Lounge
- 2023-12-29, 14:00:00 (03:00:00): Blaumacherei - Indigo Dyeing (on day 3)
- 2023-12-29, 14:00:00 (03:00:00): Hackin the Disco Day 3 | Lounge
- 2023-12-29, 14:00:00 (06:00:00): Killyourphone Workshop (day 3)
- 2023-12-29, 14:15:00 (01:00:00): Introduction to smartphone malware forensics: Practical Part | Stage H
- 2023-12-29, 14:30:00 (00:30:00): Social Rejection Games II [90 min duration, 30 min of it at Stage of Y] | Stage Y
- 2023-12-29, 14:30:00 (00:30:00): neck pain reduction, gegen Nackenschmerzen
- 2023-12-29, 14:30:00 (01:30:00): Sendegate, Subscribe & Co. Quo vadis | Sendezentrum Assembly
- 2023-12-29, 14:45:00 (00:40:00): Seeds of Change | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-29, 14:45:00 (01:00:00): Finding Vulnerabilities in Internet-Connected Devices | Saal Granville
- 2023-12-29, 14:45:00 (01:00:00): Social Engineering: Geschichte, Wirkung & Maßnahmen. | Saal 1
- 2023-12-29, 14:45:00 (01:00:00): cyber4EDU (Zu-)Hörstunde - Fokus Berufsschule | cyber4EDU Assembly
- 2023-12-29, 15:00:00 (00:30:00): Hacking the Orb | FOSS-HW Workshop Area [CDC Saal 3]
- 2023-12-29, 15:00:00 (01:00:00): Anarchist Village Meetup
- 2023-12-29, 15:00:00 (01:00:00): Deutschlandfunk: Computer und Kommunikation vom 37C3 | Sendezentrum Stage (Saal F)
- 2023-12-29, 15:00:00 (01:00:00): InvenTree user meetup / feature request session
- 2023-12-29, 15:00:00 (01:00:00): Mobile phone privacy with silent.link S1E03 (Workshop) | Round Table [CDC Saal 3]
- 2023-12-29, 15:00:00 (01:00:00): Offene Datenschutzsprechstunde
- 2023-12-29, 15:00:00 (01:00:00): Recent Attacks against Net Neutrality: Why Telcos never learn | Bits & Bäume Workshop Space
- 2023-12-29, 15:00:00 (01:00:00): Self-Service Chaos Stamps & Stickers
- 2023-12-29, 15:00:00 (01:00:00): Workshop: Introduction to Awareness (Safer Spaces)
- 2023-12-29, 15:00:00 (01:45:00): Klänge coden: Eine Einführung in Supercollider | Fireshonks
- 2023-12-29, 15:00:00 (02:00:00): Angewandte Karaokeforschung - カラオケ
- 2023-12-29, 15:00:00 (02:00:00): Art and Play: Livevektorskizzen #2 | Art and Play Workshop table [H]
- 2023-12-29, 15:00:00 (02:00:00): Kohlekraftwerke blockieren - Erkenntnisse der letzten Jahre | Stage Y
- 2023-12-29, 15:15:00 (00:30:00): Teeworlds/DDNet/DDraceNetwork Meetup | Stage H
- 2023-12-29, 15:15:00 (01:00:00): Trust me I don't know: Neural network uncertainty methods meetup
- 2023-12-29, 15:30:00 (00:30:00): TraceTogether or TrackTogether? (Joyce Ng)
- 2023-12-29, 15:30:00 (01:30:00): CCCrip Auskotzrunde | Stonewall IO
- 2023-12-29, 15:30:00 (01:30:00): Critical Genomics - How can we practice genomic research with privacy and consent?
- 2023-12-29, 15:30:00 (01:30:00): U Act! - “The Marshall Plan” for Ukraine | ChaosZone
- 2023-12-29, 15:30:00 (02:00:00): README of me: How do I tell others, what it's like to work with me?
- 2023-12-29, 15:45:00 (00:40:00): RFC 9420 or how to scale end-to-end encryption with Messaging Layer Security | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-29, 15:45:00 (00:45:00): Linksradikale /-populistische Chatbots
- 2023-12-29, 16:00:00 (00:30:00): AMA: I did a Coding Bootcamp | Saal D
- 2023-12-29, 16:00:00 (00:30:00): ANIMAL()CITY | Saal 1
- 2023-12-29, 16:00:00 (00:45:00): Comeflywithus Podcast - live @congress | Sendezentrum Podcast Table (X12)
- 2023-12-29, 16:00:00 (00:45:00): Tübinger Meetup
- 2023-12-29, 16:00:00 (01:00:00): About Gamma-Ray Bursts And Boats | Saal Granville
- 2023-12-29, 16:00:00 (01:00:00): Analog Computing
- 2023-12-29, 16:00:00 (01:00:00): BinDa - Anwesenheitserfassung für Schüler:innen / Umsetzung eines Projektes im Rahmen des Prototype Funds | cyber4EDU Assembly
- 2023-12-29, 16:00:00 (01:00:00): CANarchy - A short introduction
- 2023-12-29, 16:00:00 (01:00:00): Escaping the Multicall of Madness (how to read data from EVM blockchains in style) | Round Table [CDC Saal 3]
- 2023-12-29, 16:00:00 (01:00:00): Freedom Not Fear Reunion and Planning Meeting
- 2023-12-29, 16:00:00 (01:00:00): Garden Hacks (Open Source Gärtner:innen-Treffen) | Bits & Bäume Workshop Space
- 2023-12-29, 16:00:00 (01:00:00): Hack your phone
- 2023-12-29, 16:00:00 (01:00:00): Hookshot einrichten
- 2023-12-29, 16:00:00 (01:00:00): Impressioning-Workshop
- 2023-12-29, 16:00:00 (01:00:00): Legale und andere Tricks ohne Geld durch die Welt zu kommen | Corridor outside Hall 3 near Openlab Augsburg
- 2023-12-29, 16:00:00 (01:00:00): Lightning Talks - Kids Edition | Kidspace - Workshopraum in Saal B
- 2023-12-29, 16:00:00 (01:00:00): Lock/key impressioning
- 2023-12-29, 16:00:00 (01:00:00): Meetup: Podcasting und Bildung
- 2023-12-29, 16:00:00 (01:00:00): SoS: Meetup - Podcasting und Bildung | SCC-Assembly
- 2023-12-29, 16:00:00 (02:00:00): False; Fingertips – My first LED Nail Art! 💅✨ (1/2)
- 2023-12-29, 16:00:00 (02:00:00): Tor Meetup | Saal E
- 2023-12-29, 16:20:00 (01:00:00): neural cellular automata | Stage H
- 2023-12-29, 16:30:00 (01:00:00): Decentralized energy production - Follow up discussion
- 2023-12-29, 16:30:00 (01:30:00): 3 years after uprising in Belarus - political situation and repressions in the coutry | Saal D
- 2023-12-29, 16:30:00 (02:00:00): Vierjahresrückblick des CCC | Saal 1
- 2023-12-29, 16:30:00 (02:30:00): Lina & Paul Gregor | Chillout Lounge
- 2023-12-29, 16:40:00 (00:40:00): Gut feelings: Can we optimize lifestyle, diet and medication according to our respective microbiota? | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-29, 17:00:00 (00:20:00): Einführung in die neue Amateurfunkprüfung für Einsteiger | Chaoswelle
- 2023-12-29, 17:00:00 (00:45:00): Das Congress-Mindset | Sendezentrum Podcast Table (X12)
- 2023-12-29, 17:00:00 (00:50:00): Verklag die Stadt! Wie du mit Versammlungsrecht auf einer Autobahn legal protestieren oder ein gemütliches Straßenfest auf einer Hauptverkehrsstraße durchführen kannst | Pseudoroom
- 2023-12-29, 17:00:00 (01:00:00): ADHS: themenbasierter Austausch
- 2023-12-29, 17:00:00 (01:00:00): GNU Guix, a hands-on session
- 2023-12-29, 17:00:00 (01:00:00): Matrix Helpdesk & Merch Sale (Day 3)
- 2023-12-29, 17:00:00 (01:00:00): Meere und warum sie für uns wichtig sind - Tag 3 | Kidspace - Workshopraum in Saal B
- 2023-12-29, 17:00:00 (01:00:00): Ptelepathetique - live concert | Lounge
- 2023-12-29, 17:00:00 (01:00:00): Reinventing Modbus Protocol | Round Table [CDC Saal 3]
- 2023-12-29, 17:00:00 (01:00:00): Running a NGO on FreeSoftware | Bits & Bäume Workshop Space
- 2023-12-29, 17:00:00 (01:00:00): c3gsm Ask-Us-Anything | Stage Y
- 2023-12-29, 17:00:00 (01:00:00): p2panda - offline-first meetup | House
- 2023-12-29, 17:00:00 (01:30:00): Miniscript Workshop - Explore the Next Level of Bitcoin Wallet Security | FOSS-HW Workshop Area [CDC Saal 3]
- 2023-12-29, 17:00:00 (02:00:00): analouge pixelprint with lego dots Tag 3/ Day 3
- 2023-12-29, 17:05:00 (02:00:00): Introductory Workshop to Containers! | Stonewall IO
- 2023-12-29, 17:15:00 (01:00:00): How Many Planets in Our Solar System? Glad You Asked! | Saal Granville
- 2023-12-29, 17:20:00 (00:40:00): Das geht unter die Haut: Spontanes Biohacking treffen beim Congress | Stage H
- 2023-12-29, 17:30:00 (00:40:00): Hybrid Warfare
- 2023-12-29, 17:30:00 (00:45:00): Exchange on self-organization (e.g. Getting Things Done) and procrastination | Foyer Level 2 (In front of the elevators left of Stage Y)
- 2023-12-29, 17:30:00 (01:00:00): Learn to Solder / "I Can Solder!" Badge kit
- 2023-12-29, 17:30:00 (01:30:00): U Act! - Destabilization through Media | ChaosZone
- 2023-12-29, 17:35:00 (00:40:00): Ecocide and (green) colonialism in Sápmi | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-29, 18:00:00 (00:30:00): Certainty Salon aka Imposter-Syndrome-Selbsthilfegruppe | Saal E
- 2023-12-29, 18:00:00 (00:30:00): Software Defined Radio | Chaoswelle
- 2023-12-29, 18:00:00 (00:30:00): chaos.jetzt Meetup
- 2023-12-29, 18:00:00 (00:45:00): Introduction to acclaimed Chinese writers | Pseudoroom
- 2023-12-29, 18:00:00 (01:00:00): #badgelife meetup
- 2023-12-29, 18:00:00 (01:00:00): Artistic PCB Badge Drawing Workshop Slot 1
- 2023-12-29, 18:00:00 (01:00:00): Bits & Bäume Community Treffen Tag 3 | Bits & Bäume Community Space
- 2023-12-29, 18:00:00 (01:00:00): DIY Jade Hardwarewallet
- 2023-12-29, 18:00:00 (01:00:00): EightOS: Hacking the Body [8 OS Physical Practice Session] | Stage H
- 2023-12-29, 18:00:00 (01:00:00): HOWTO Kidspace | Kidspace - Workshopraum in Saal B
- 2023-12-29, 18:00:00 (01:00:00): Home-manager install party
- 2023-12-29, 18:00:00 (01:00:00): Melted Moon (Solo-Performance von Fabi) | Lounge
- 2023-12-29, 18:00:00 (01:00:00): Relationship Geeks Get Together | Stage Y
- 2023-12-29, 18:00:00 (01:00:00): UEFI exploitation
- 2023-12-29, 18:00:00 (01:00:00): Workshop: How to Hack your Web Application | Saal D
- 2023-12-29, 18:00:00 (01:00:00): tech from below: Technologie von und für soziale Bewegungen | Freie Arbeiter*innen Union (FAU)
- 2023-12-29, 18:00:00 (01:15:00): Standards der Satellitenkommunikation und Live Satellitenkontakt
- 2023-12-29, 18:00:00 (01:30:00): Making Smart Home devices great again | Round Table [CDC Saal 3]
- 2023-12-29, 18:00:00 (01:30:00): Maritime Hackers Meetup 🏴☠️
- 2023-12-29, 18:00:00 (01:45:00): Try Mental Health Care - zuhause | Fireshonks
- 2023-12-29, 18:00:00 (02:00:00): Inklusive Hackspace Design Patterns
- 2023-12-29, 18:00:00 (02:30:00): Cider Flows II
- 2023-12-29, 18:00:00 (03:00:00): Schreibsession: Schreib was du willst!
- 2023-12-29, 18:30:00 (00:30:00): Ecocide and (green) colonialism in Sápmi Q&A Video-Live-Session | Bits & Bäume Workshop Space
- 2023-12-29, 18:30:00 (00:30:00): GuteN8Geschichten - Tag 3 | Kidspace - Saal B
- 2023-12-29, 18:30:00 (00:30:00): plantrs
- 2023-12-29, 18:30:00 (00:40:00): Adventures in the Design of Anti-Surveillance Technology (Katzenpost) | Saal E
- 2023-12-29, 18:30:00 (01:00:00): Leveraging ptrace for Proactive Proxy Leak Prevention (Workshop) | FOSS-HW Workshop Area [CDC Saal 3]
- 2023-12-29, 18:30:00 (01:00:00): Void Linux user meetup
- 2023-12-29, 19:00:00 (00:30:00): I Love Free Software: Free Software sing-along (Friday)
- 2023-12-29, 19:00:00 (00:30:00): Music Livecoding performance (Jules Cipher)
- 2023-12-29, 19:00:00 (00:30:00): abdocccecwencen - Sprache einer Raumstation | Stage H
- 2023-12-29, 19:00:00 (00:45:00): Rosenpass Update | Sendezentrum Podcast Table (X12)
- 2023-12-29, 19:00:00 (01:00:00): Artistic PCB Badge Drawing Workshop Slot 2
- 2023-12-29, 19:00:00 (01:30:00): An introduction to Anarchism | Saal D
- 2023-12-29, 19:00:00 (01:30:00): Call for HAM-Radio Action: Transmit to satellite!
- 2023-12-29, 19:00:00 (01:30:00): Make Rojava Green Again
- 2023-12-29, 19:00:00 (01:30:00): NinoTschka | Lounge
- 2023-12-29, 19:00:00 (02:00:00): Gluon Meetup | Bits & Bäume Workshop Space
- 2023-12-29, 19:00:00 (02:00:00): Hacking the VGA
- 2023-12-29, 19:00:00 (02:00:00): TOUCHSYNTH - AmplifierSynthKit
- 2023-12-29, 19:00:00 (02:30:00): Marco Costanza (Dj) | Chillout Lounge
- 2023-12-29, 19:10:00 (02:00:00): Experimentelles Spiel zur IT-Netzwerk Kommunikation | Stonewall IO
- 2023-12-29, 19:15:00 (00:15:00): You are doing trees wrong | Stage Y
- 2023-12-29, 19:15:00 (00:30:00): Flunkyball Day 3
- 2023-12-29, 19:15:00 (01:00:00): Chatkontrolle - Es ist noch nicht vorbei! | Saal 1
- 2023-12-29, 19:15:00 (01:00:00): DevOps but for artworks in museums | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-29, 19:15:00 (01:00:00): Geschichtsstunde: Wie die Enigma gehackt wurde. | Saal E
- 2023-12-29, 19:15:00 (01:00:00): Writing secure software | Saal Granville
- 2023-12-29, 19:30:00 (00:30:00): Pwning meetup (Pwntools & Pwndbg) part 1 | Stage H
- 2023-12-29, 19:30:00 (00:50:00): privacy aware computers for non-techies | House
- 2023-12-29, 19:30:00 (01:30:00): Incident Response Selbsthilfegruppe | Stage Y
- 2023-12-29, 19:30:00 (01:30:00): Nym Nodes workshop | Round Table [CDC Saal 3]
- 2023-12-29, 19:30:00 (03:30:00): STROMBLÜTE @ 37C3 Tag 3
- 2023-12-29, 19:45:00 (00:30:00): Kunst des Knackens: Ein Kurs für stilvolles Öffnen von Bierflaschen
- 2023-12-29, 20:00:00 (00:40:00): Marschallplan for Ukraine
- 2023-12-29, 20:00:00 (00:45:00): C(r)ashIT: A real-life security nightmare | Stage H
- 2023-12-29, 20:00:00 (01:00:00): Pocket Science Lab Introductory Workshop (Alex Bessman, Marco A. Gutierrez)
- 2023-12-29, 20:00:00 (01:30:00): Erklär ma - Solarenergie | Sendezentrum Stage (Saal F)
- 2023-12-29, 20:00:00 (01:30:00): Offene Werkstätten und Freiräume - best practice und lessons learned | Sendezentrum Podcast Table (X12)
- 2023-12-29, 20:00:00 (01:30:00): Trains needs Nerds
- 2023-12-29, 20:00:00 (02:00:00): KinkyGeeks Flogger-Bastelworkshop 2 (Ticket required!)
- 2023-12-29, 20:00:00 (06:00:00): Kleines Feines Saunadorf Dez 29
- 2023-12-29, 20:30:00 (01:00:00): Die Wissenschaft vom Whisky | Fireshonks
- 2023-12-29, 20:30:00 (01:00:00): Gemeinsam gegen rechten Terror! Aber wie? | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-29, 20:30:00 (01:00:00): On Digitalisation, Sustainability & Climate Justice | Saal 1
- 2023-12-29, 20:30:00 (01:00:00): Reconstructing game footage from a Game Boy's memory bus | Saal Granville
- 2023-12-29, 20:30:00 (01:30:00): Teichmann & Söhne | Lounge
- 2023-12-29, 20:30:00 (01:30:00): Tor Relay Operators Meetup | Saal D
- 2023-12-29, 20:30:00 (02:00:00): FHB Cheese Rendevouz (2nd chance)
- 2023-12-29, 20:30:00 (03:20:00): Pentagame-Turnier
- 2023-12-29, 20:45:00 (00:45:00): boudicca.events - open source event aggregation | Saal E
- 2023-12-29, 21:00:00 (01:00:00): Block motorways, occupy trees and hang up banners – Beginner's workshop and advanced workshop for activist climbing (Basisworkshop aktivistisches Klettern) | Unter der Rakete in der Eingangshalle
- 2023-12-29, 21:00:00 (01:00:00): Breaking into Wireless Smart Homes, Z-Wave example | FOSS-HW Workshop Area [CDC Saal 3]
- 2023-12-29, 21:00:00 (01:00:00): Der (humanitäre) Preis ist heiß | Bits & Bäume Workshop Space
- 2023-12-29, 21:00:00 (01:00:00): OpenEPaperLink: Q&A Session with one of the devs | ChaosZone
- 2023-12-29, 21:00:00 (01:00:00): improvised sound-oriented electronic music by πxl | Art and Play Workshop table [H]
- 2023-12-29, 21:00:00 (01:30:00): Bahnbubble Meetup | Stage Y
- 2023-12-29, 21:10:00 (03:00:00): Zeit für Papier, Bretter und Spiele | Time for Games | Stonewall IO
- 2023-12-29, 21:15:00 (00:45:00): Einstein's Field Equations: Understanding their gravity | Stage H
- 2023-12-29, 21:30:00 (01:00:00): Talk: Unlocking Microcontroller Education: Teach Ethical Hacking On A Budget
- 2023-12-29, 21:30:00 (02:00:00): Chiara Salome | Chillout Lounge
- 2023-12-29, 21:45:00 (01:00:00): Heimlich-Manöver | Saal 1
- 2023-12-29, 21:45:00 (01:00:00): How to build a submarine and survive | Saal Granville
- 2023-12-29, 21:45:00 (01:00:00): Unlocked: PICing a wireless door access system | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-29, 21:45:00 (01:30:00): Rückkanal bei der Podcasterei: Twitter ist tot, Es lebe das Fediverse?! | Sendezentrum Stage (Saal F)
- 2023-12-29, 22:00:00 (00:30:00): Pwning meetup (Pwntools & Pwndbg) part 2 | Stage H
- 2023-12-29, 22:00:00 (00:40:00): Encapsulated Electromyography with Myo and Raspi | Fireshonks
- 2023-12-29, 22:00:00 (00:45:00): FabAccess - Meet the developers
- 2023-12-29, 22:00:00 (01:00:00): Finish Advent Of Code beenden | Saal D
- 2023-12-29, 22:00:00 (01:00:00): Game Boy chat | House
- 2023-12-29, 22:00:00 (01:00:00): Open Security Token Nitrokey and the Trussed Cryptographic Firmware | FOSS-HW Workshop Area [CDC Saal 3]
- 2023-12-29, 22:00:00 (01:30:00): Radio Capitol - Der Rewatch Podcast | Sendezentrum Podcast Table (X12)
- 2023-12-29, 22:00:00 (02:00:00): Faxgeräteclub: Verwaltungsinfrastruktur-Best-Practice-Brainstorming
- 2023-12-29, 22:00:00 (02:00:00): Ricardo Villalobos | Lounge
- 2023-12-29, 22:07:00 (01:30:00): UNO spielen mit erweiterten Regeln
- 2023-12-29, 22:10:00 (01:30:00): Cccongress watercolour silhouettes
- 2023-12-29, 22:22:00 (02:00:00): karaoke
- 2023-12-29, 22:30:00 (01:45:00): Movie Night: Hackers | Stage H
- 2023-12-29, 22:40:00 (00:20:00): Super-lightning talks advertising captivating, intriguing and insightful science fiction stories | Pseudoroom
- 2023-12-29, 22:45:00 (01:00:00): Pantomimisches Begrifferaten / Charades. | Corridor outside Hall 3 near Openlab Augsburg
- 2023-12-29, 23:00:00 (00:40:00): Breathing Life into Legacy: An Open-Source Emulator of Legacy Apple Devices | Saal Granville
- 2023-12-29, 23:00:00 (00:40:00): Buffered Daemons | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-29, 23:00:00 (00:40:00): What your phone won’t tell you | Saal 1
- 2023-12-29, 23:00:00 (00:45:00): pen and paper session — Doctor Magnethands
- 2023-12-29, 23:00:00 (00:50:00): Wondrous mathematics: The curious world of four-dimensional geometry | Saal D
- 2023-12-29, 23:00:00 (01:00:00): Bringing the Hack Back into the Chaos | Fireshonks
- 2023-12-29, 23:00:00 (01:00:00): Tea Session: Enjoy a cup of tea and chat with the FOSSASIA community
- 2023-12-29, 23:00:00 (01:30:00): LED Strips Everywhere for Everyone!
- 2023-12-29, 23:00:00 (02:00:00): Party
- 2023-12-29, 23:02:00 (01:00:00): Sustainability Jeopardy | Stage Y
- 2023-12-29, 23:30:00 (00:45:00): Och Menno - Military Grade Bullshit | Sendezentrum Stage (Saal F)
- 2023-12-29, 23:30:00 (02:30:00): Jendrik_Deep Aid | Chillout Lounge
- 2023-12-30, 00:00:00 (01:00:00): Über die Hintergründe von Religionen, Hierarchien und klassischen Gesellschaftsstruktern | Saal E
- 2023-12-30, 00:00:00 (01:30:00): Prompt Battle | Saal 1
- 2023-12-30, 00:00:00 (01:30:00): Stream: Prompt Battle | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-30, 00:00:00 (01:30:00): torservers.net reboot meeting | Saal D
- 2023-12-30, 00:00:00 (02:00:00): Dana Ruh | Lounge
- 2023-12-30, 00:10:00 (01:00:00): Hebocon | Stage Y
- 2023-12-30, 00:15:00 (01:00:00): From Hacker to Furry - Why cat ears are just the beginning | Stage H
- 2023-12-30, 00:30:00 (01:00:00): How to get out of any git situation with these 3 commands | Bits & Bäume Workshop Space
- 2023-12-30, 01:15:00 (01:00:00): Spielleitung von Pen&Paper RPGs | Saal E
- 2023-12-30, 02:00:00 (02:00:00): L.F.T. | Lounge
- 2023-12-30, 02:00:00 (02:30:00): RSS Disco | Chillout Lounge
- 2023-12-30, 04:00:00 (02:00:00): Ratkat | Lounge
- 2023-12-30, 09:30:00 (01:20:00): Bondage für Anfänger*innen | Stonewall IO
- 2023-12-30, 10:00:00 (00:45:00): Introduction to Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Image Reconstruction with BART | Stage H
- 2023-12-30, 10:00:00 (01:00:00): Tiny Core Linux - Eine Mini-Einführung in die coolste Linux Distro | Corridor outside Hall 3 near Openlab Augsburg
- 2023-12-30, 10:00:00 (03:00:00): Arduino für nicht mehr ganz-Anfänger:innen
- 2023-12-30, 10:30:00 (01:00:00): Let's knit/crochet together! | Table of the Openlab Augsburg
- 2023-12-30, 10:30:00 (01:30:00): Getting started with threat modelling | Fireshonks
- 2023-12-30, 10:30:00 (01:30:00): Wi-Fi Hacking Self Defense: 4 Advanced Techniques and how to stop them
- 2023-12-30, 10:42:00 (00:42:00): 42?! Agile is dead - agility the answer to live the universe and everything | Stage Y
- 2023-12-30, 10:55:00 (02:30:00): Programmieren mit C: Eine Einführung für Neulinge [Deutsch/Englisch] | Stonewall IO
- 2023-12-30, 11:00:00 (00:30:00): Einstieg in OpenStreetMap mit dem Online-Editor iD | Stage H
- 2023-12-30, 11:00:00 (00:30:00): Outdoors Workout: Let's sport together! v4.3.2.1
- 2023-12-30, 11:00:00 (00:40:00): Fortbildung Cyber-Astrologie & KI-Karma | Saal 1
- 2023-12-30, 11:00:00 (00:40:00): Making homebrew for your very own Vector Super Computer | Saal Granville
- 2023-12-30, 11:00:00 (00:40:00): Mobile reverse engineering to empower the gig economy workers and labor unions | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-30, 11:00:00 (00:50:00): Fünf überraschende Sachverhalte, wieso die Erzählung "Dein Kassenbon ist ein Stimmzettel" fehlerhaft ist, in die Irre führt und echte gesellschaftliche Veränderung blockiert | In front of Hall F
- 2023-12-30, 11:00:00 (00:50:00): Science in Science Fiction (Die reale Wissenschaft von Star Trek und Star Wars) | Saal E
- 2023-12-30, 11:00:00 (01:00:00): Bill Badge Soldering Workshop
- 2023-12-30, 11:00:00 (01:30:00): FreeCAD Workshop | FAU Assembly (Halle H)
- 2023-12-30, 11:00:00 (01:30:00): Meere und warum sie für uns wichtig sind - Tag 4 | Kidspace - Workshopraum in Saal B
- 2023-12-30, 11:00:00 (02:00:00): Häkeln | Kidspace - Saal B
- 2023-12-30, 11:15:00 (00:45:00): Wormholes: A little go-through | Saal D
- 2023-12-30, 11:30:00 (00:30:00): Einstieg in JOSM für fortgeschrittene OpenStreetMapper | Stage H
- 2023-12-30, 12:00:00 (00:30:00): Spontanes 0. Treffen des Vegan Chaos Club, … | Saal E
- 2023-12-30, 12:00:00 (00:40:00): Blackbox Chemieindustrie | Saal 1
- 2023-12-30, 12:00:00 (00:40:00): Link-Extremismus und Pressefreiheit | Saal Granville
- 2023-12-30, 12:00:00 (00:40:00): Should e-voting experience of Estonia be copied? | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-30, 12:00:00 (00:45:00): Telemedizin auf der Kinder-Intensivstation im Jahre 2023 @Dr.P(R)ett
- 2023-12-30, 12:00:00 (00:50:00): Megastrukturen und Galaktische Imperien (Wie man eine Dyson Sphäre baut) | Stage Y
- 2023-12-30, 12:00:00 (00:50:00): Wondrous mathematics: Large numbers, very large numbers and very very large numbers | Saal D
- 2023-12-30, 12:00:00 (01:00:00): Internet Shutdown Circumvention: Experience and Brainstorm | House
- 2023-12-30, 12:00:00 (01:00:00): in science we trust, in unicorns we believe... for real
- 2023-12-30, 12:00:00 (02:00:00): Friends of Rosenpass Meeting | Stage H
- 2023-12-30, 12:30:00 (00:30:00): Anarchist meetup | Freie Arbeiter*innen Union (FAU)
- 2023-12-30, 12:30:00 (00:30:00): Smartphones freedom status in 2023 | Saal E
- 2023-12-30, 12:30:00 (00:40:00): Och Menno-Fails bei Unterhaltungsprodukten | Fireshonks
- 2023-12-30, 12:30:00 (01:00:00): Anarchist Village Meetup 2
- 2023-12-30, 12:30:00 (01:30:00): Somatic explorations in contact, Contact Improvisation: Couriosity-driven and explorations in the field of Contact Improvisation with influxes from massage/bodywork and playfight. and | Hall 4 ("Main Lounge")
- 2023-12-30, 12:30:00 (02:00:00): Build Your Own Satellite Ground Station (2nd)
- 2023-12-30, 12:45:00 (01:00:00): Governance meetup: decision-making experiences and sustainability in online communities | Bits & Bäume Workshop Space
- 2023-12-30, 12:55:00 (00:40:00): Analog rotary phones get a second life with raspberry pi | Saal 1
- 2023-12-30, 12:55:00 (00:40:00): Decolonize runet! Decolonize network measurements! A provocative take on the Russian sovereign internet project | Saal Granville
- 2023-12-30, 12:55:00 (00:40:00): Zapfenstreich | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-30, 13:00:00 (00:40:00): Buying and Selling Domain Names in Namecoin | Saal E
- 2023-12-30, 13:00:00 (00:45:00): Einfach Bier brauen: 100 Sude mit der selbst gebauten Brauanlage
- 2023-12-30, 13:00:00 (00:50:00): Wie eine Gruppe Nerds mit einer Mail, einem Baum und 9,99 € für einen Tag zur Uni Tübingen wurde | Foyer Level 2 (In front of the elevators left of Stage Y)
- 2023-12-30, 13:00:00 (01:00:00): Jugend hackt Meetup
- 2023-12-30, 13:00:00 (02:00:00): Celebrating Failures Workshop | Saal D
- 2023-12-30, 13:00:00 (02:00:00): IT-Security in Arztpraxis und Apotheke | Stage Y
- 2023-12-30, 13:00:00 (02:30:00): POTA – Parks on the Air [Day 4] | Chaoswelle
- 2023-12-30, 13:30:00 (00:15:00): Topf Secret | Fireshonks
- 2023-12-30, 13:30:00 (01:30:00): Die Haecksen für Nicht-Haecksen | Stonewall IO
- 2023-12-30, 13:40:00 (00:20:00): Aktionstag für trans* Gesundheit 🏳️⚧️ - fight the cistem! | Saal E
- 2023-12-30, 13:50:00 (00:10:00): I Love Free Software: Free Software sing-along (Saturday)
- 2023-12-30, 13:50:00 (00:40:00): KI im Klassenzimmer - ein Update! | Saal Granville
- 2023-12-30, 13:50:00 (00:40:00): Tech(no)fixes beware! | Saal 1
- 2023-12-30, 13:50:00 (00:40:00): Was haben Atome je für uns getan? | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-30, 14:00:00 (00:05:00): Closing | Fireshonks
- 2023-12-30, 14:00:00 (00:30:00): How DIVD is scanning and notifies the whole IPv4 Space for vulnerabilities
- 2023-12-30, 14:00:00 (00:30:00): How DIVD scans and notify the whole IPv4 Space for vulnerabilities
- 2023-12-30, 14:00:00 (00:45:00): Meowing session
- 2023-12-30, 14:00:00 (01:00:00): Bits & Bäume Community Treffen Tag 4 | Bits & Bäume Community Space
- 2023-12-30, 14:00:00 (01:00:00): Fairphone Meetup | Stage H
- 2023-12-30, 14:00:00 (01:00:00): Hack your phone Pt.2
- 2023-12-30, 14:00:00 (01:00:00): Replicant Meetup | Round Table [CDC Saal 3]
- 2023-12-30, 14:00:00 (01:00:00): c3awareness - introduction and Q&A
- 2023-12-30, 14:00:00 (01:30:00): U Act! - Modern Warfare (Infantry) | ChaosZone
- 2023-12-30, 14:00:00 (02:00:00): Geschichten erzählen - The Storytellers Den (LARP) - Tag 4 | Kidspace - Saal B
- 2023-12-30, 14:00:00 (02:00:00): Music Production with Ableton Live - for beginners
- 2023-12-30, 14:00:00 (02:00:00): OpenWrt Meetup | Saal E
- 2023-12-30, 14:30:00 (00:40:00): Modern Warefare
- 2023-12-30, 14:30:00 (01:00:00): Mit Jin Jiyan Azadî zur Frauenrevolution
- 2023-12-30, 14:30:00 (01:00:00): Pimp Your Chat
- 2023-12-30, 14:30:00 (01:00:00): With Jin Jiyan Azadî to women's liberation | Freie Arbeiter*innen Union (FAU)
- 2023-12-30, 14:30:00 (01:30:00): Let's play Netrunner, the card game (day 4)
- 2023-12-30, 14:30:00 (01:45:00): Kunstshow der Artists Unlimited | Fireshonks
- 2023-12-30, 14:45:00 (00:40:00): Dissecting EU electronic evidence | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-30, 14:45:00 (01:00:00): A Libyan Militia and the EU - A Love Story? | Saal Granville
- 2023-12-30, 14:45:00 (01:00:00): The Ultimate SPC700 Talk | Saal 1
- 2023-12-30, 14:45:00 (01:00:00): cyber4EDU (Zu-)Hörstunde - Fokus Hochschule | cyber4EDU Assembly
- 2023-12-30, 15:00:00 (00:30:00): CYCLOPS Awards Ceremony | House
- 2023-12-30, 15:00:00 (00:45:00): The InSnider: Mein erstes Mal Congress | Sendezentrum Podcast Table (X12)
- 2023-12-30, 15:00:00 (00:55:00): CCCamp27 Sustainabillity Brainstorming Meetup | Saal D
- 2023-12-30, 15:00:00 (01:00:00): (More) Secure P2P Messaging with Noise and Tox | Bits & Bäume Workshop Space
- 2023-12-30, 15:00:00 (01:00:00): Meetup on LLM Agents | Stage Y
- 2023-12-30, 15:00:00 (01:00:00): Taichi pushing hands in an anarchist way!
- 2023-12-30, 15:00:00 (01:30:00): Tattoo Needle Soldering III
- 2023-12-30, 15:00:00 (02:00:00): SUPALOOPA - lofi sound looper
- 2023-12-30, 15:00:00 (02:00:00): Selfmade Synthesizer Soldering Session with Noisio (3)
- 2023-12-30, 15:00:00 (02:00:00): 📊 GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE SOME STATS: Exploring open population data using the DESTATIS API and Python | Stonewall IO
- 2023-12-30, 15:30:00 (00:30:00): Gopass meetup
- 2023-12-30, 15:30:00 (00:30:00): Quidditch IRL - ja das gibt es wirklich | Stage H
- 2023-12-30, 15:45:00 (00:40:00): Öffnet eure Spaces für Gehörlose! | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-30, 16:00:00 (01:00:00): Awareness Meetup
- 2023-12-30, 16:00:00 (01:00:00): Cybernetics for political action | Bits & Bäume Community Space
- 2023-12-30, 16:00:00 (01:00:00): Egan conjecture holds | Saal E
- 2023-12-30, 16:00:00 (01:00:00): Impressioning
- 2023-12-30, 16:00:00 (01:00:00): Lock/Key impressioning
- 2023-12-30, 16:00:00 (01:00:00): Oh no: KUNO - Gesperrte Girocards entsperren | Saal 1
- 2023-12-30, 16:00:00 (01:00:00): SSO an Schulen | cyber4EDU Assembly
- 2023-12-30, 16:00:00 (01:00:00): Self-cannibalizing AI | Saal Granville
- 2023-12-30, 16:00:00 (01:00:00): Stadt.Land.Klima! - Für Transparenz im Kommunalen Klimaschutz | Stage Y
- 2023-12-30, 16:00:00 (01:00:00): ⌨️ Mechanical Keyboard and Typing meetup | Saal D
- 2023-12-30, 16:00:00 (02:00:00): Elektrobaukasten - Tag 4 | Kidspace - Saal B
- 2023-12-30, 16:00:00 (02:00:00): Science-based psychedelic pharmacology | Bits & Bäume Workshop Space
- 2023-12-30, 16:20:00 (00:57:00): Peaceful (r)evolution
- 2023-12-30, 16:40:00 (00:40:00): Vom Darkroom in die Blackbox | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-30, 17:00:00 (00:30:00): Introduction and fun with Chinese characters | Pseudoroom
- 2023-12-30, 17:00:00 (00:50:00): Hackbases (coliving hacklabs) info & meeting | Saal D
- 2023-12-30, 17:00:00 (01:00:00): Live Coding Set - Sound&Visual | Lounge
- 2023-12-30, 17:00:00 (01:00:00): Matrix Helpdesk & Merch Sale (Day 4)
- 2023-12-30, 17:00:00 (04:00:00): Defragmentierung Saal C | Saal C
- 2023-12-30, 17:15:00 (01:00:00): 37c3 infrastructure review | Saal Granville
- 2023-12-30, 17:15:00 (01:00:00): Security Nightmares | Saal 1
- 2023-12-30, 17:35:00 (00:40:00): 37C3 カラオケ – Herausforderungen der aktuellen Karaokeforschung | Saal Zuse
- 2023-12-30, 18:00:00 (01:00:00): Nik | Lounge
- 2023-12-30, 18:00:00 (04:00:00): Defragmentierung Saal B | Kidspace - Saal B
- 2023-12-30, 18:20:00 (00:30:00): 37C3: Feierlicher Abschluss | Saal 1
- 2023-12-30, 19:00:00 (00:30:00): I Love Free Software: Free Software sing-along (Saturday)
- 2023-12-30, 19:00:00 (01:00:00): Lisaholic | Lounge
- 2023-12-30, 20:00:00 (02:00:00): Best Boy Electric | Lounge
- 2023-12-30, 20:00:00 (02:00:00): Kleines Feines Saunadorf Dez 30
- 2023-12-30, 22:00:00 (02:00:00): Sportbrigade Sparwasser | Lounge
- 2023-12-31, 00:00:00 (02:00:00): Sven Dohse | Lounge
- 2023-12-31, 02:00:00 (02:00:00): Esshar | Lounge
- 2023-12-31, 04:00:00 (01:59:00): dj smut | Lounge
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